Friday, June 15, 2007

Gay Marriage Can Save The Fantastic Four franchise

Fantastic Four:
The Rise Of The Silver Surfer

It is no mere coincidence that gay marriage truly became law in
Massachusetts the same day that the new Fantastic Four movie
premiered atthe cinema complex on the Boston Common.
You see, marriage IS an evolving paradigm and when anything
feels threatened - even the God-forsaken
notions of whacked out radical so-called "Christians", well it is that
very perceived "threat" that gets the troops to rally, no matter which
side of the issue one chooses.

So on one hand you have this movie with the alleged marriage of Sue Storm
and Reed Richards, and then you have us, this first state in America,
declaring that guys can marry guys and gals can marry gals. When I say
"alleged marriage" of Sue & Reed it is because passion is absent in their
performance, they appear to be the typical heterosexual couple going
through the motions because it is what they are expected to do. Not to
mention that the acting is awful, as is the script when it comes to the
character development and creative things to say. Watch to see if there is
any real emotion when Reed is holding Sue's limp body after Victor Von
Doom attempts to kill the Surfer - it's truly an actor failing to do his
art - to act - there's absolutely no drama, no convincing moment that Reed
Richards is about to lose his wife, it's just a bad audition that somehow
made it onto a major motion picture.

Just where is the passion in this new Fantastic Four movie? The only
sparks that fly outside of planets getting eaten are between Reed Richards
and his nemesis, Victor Von Doom. If love and hate are two ends of the
same stick, well, Ioan Gruffudd (how can such a stiff play an elastic
man?) and Julian McMahon at least get the chance to display some of it.
Gruffudd and McMahon are two good looking men, McMahon the better looking
of the two, while their competitive streak found in the comic books would
make a better engagement of spiritual and psychological tension than
you'll ever find from the cardboard cut-out that is Jessica Alba as Susan
Storm-Richards. Now if you think Gruffudd's Reed Richards is a stiff,
combine him with the plastic Alba and you have a castrated Ken and Barbie
doll set - no genitals, no chemistry, and a bad script to boot!

It's 3:16 AM on June 15th...the film ran from 12:35 AM to about 2:10 AM

The film's best moments are when there are fight scenes. Norrin Radd - The Silver Surfer - comes off great in this flick, the special effects for both the Human Torch and Silver Surfer are superb. Andre Braugher is looking older than his character in the 1996 film "Primal Fear", but he still exudes that same arrogance and subtle wit
that the other characters here force onto the screen. His all-business General Hager is easier to portray as he isn't given any of the multitude of corny lines which work great in a comic book and fall flat on the silver screen.

Galactus is not the personification from the pages of the book, the big purple-ish Terminator. No, here it is a huge cloud that is impressive and frightening, so chalk one good move up for the filmmakers. But this franchise would be so easy to turn into a Spiderman/X-Men goldmine and it is the script and the bad casting that spins it all out of control. The fight scenes and the special effects are over the top and that is the only reason this movie will have a fighting chance though I'm afraid they are really going to have to go back to the drawing board and come up with new writers and new actors.

If you want to see what the Stan Lee/ Jack Kirby vision of Doom is, take a look at where George Lucas stole the ideas for Darth Vader. It's no mere coincidence that the Silver Surfer is the voice of Morpheus from The Matrix, Laurence Fishburne while Doug Jones provides the physical aspect - just as James Earl Jones was the voice of Darth Vader combined with the physique of David Prowse. But Director Tim Story mixes and matches things and makes it all jumbled and somewhat tacky. The Darth Vader character seems to have been based on the comic book Dr. Doom and it is only when Victor puts on his iron mask does he have that chilling coldness. Keep in mind, he is not supposed to be a handsome man anymore but the picture of Dorian Grey after the fact.

The characters need build-up and they need to build up over more than two movies before a major "marriage" can believably happen. This ain't Lois Lane and Clark Kent, y'know, the Fantastic Four are relative newcomers to the silver screen, the Roger Corman FF movie a total cult item on bootleg DVDs.

Just as Richard Gere jumping into bed with his wife's lover, Olivier Martinez, would've saved the film that almost could've been - UNFAITHFUL (2002) - far more chemistry together than Diane Lane and Martinez (see photo below)

Reed Richards and Victor Von Doom needed to pair up in this event. Kill off Jessica Alba for a horrid acting job and let Julian McMahon give it to Ioan Gruffudd. It would be far more interesting than the comic, not cosmic, junk director Tim Story throws our way. For if hate is the other side of love, it is an emotion that would've given the picture some imagination and some edge. Remember what the Klingon Commander Kor said in Episode 26 of Star Trek

"Good, honest...hatred. Very refreshing."

Kor: [To council] "So you welcome me."

[To Kirk as Barona] "Do you also welcome me?"

Kirk: "You are here, there's nothing I can do about it."

Kor: "Good, honest...hatred. Very refreshing.
You may be a man i can deal with, Barona"

--"Errand Of Mercy", Stardate 3201.7

"Good...honest....Hatred..........very refreshing.

3:34 AM June 15th

Impressions of June 15, 2007 Gay Marriage & The Fantastic Four

"Reality is nothing but a fantasy"
The Rowan Brothers' song "All Together" courtesy of Clive Davis

UNDERSTANDING CHAOS IN OUR LIVES, the study of why things are not normal...
by Joe Viglione
11:27 PM June 15

OK, so gay marriage is really really law in Massachusetts. Have we gone down the rabbit hole? Now the Jay Severin's of the world get to say that "homosexuality is a disease" (Jimmy Severino a.k.a. "Jay Severin" on WTKK Boston, 96.9 3:40 PM on June 15, 2007). One would think after "Nappy Headed Ho" the "shock jocks" would watch their mouths, but Severin is desperate for attention. Who the heck decided that we have to even talk about "gay marriage?" When Paris Hilton's lawyers constructed that wonderful retort to all the media types who said she wasn't as newsworthy as those dying in Iraq and Afghanistan (only to pollute our airwaves with more distractions..."All Paris all the time"...) it all reached its zenith - we are living in an insane world. Frankly, I don't understand heterosexuality - maybe because I know so many closeted men who feel they have to have sex with women in order to fit into society.

Knowing so many men who are attracted to other men but who decide they are better off "playing it straight", well, I find it hideous that they would rather deny themselves and someone else (specifically me!) happiness while living an untruth, living some kind of nutty existence where alcohol becomes their escape. One fellow sleeps next to his wife night after night after night. They probably haven't had sex in twenty years and probably never will...but she adores him. It's kind of like Kate Jackson in the film "Making Love" getting to stay with Michael Ontkean and all their friends thinking they are the "perfect couple"...why? To satisfy the "religious right", so Ted Haggard and Mayor McGreevey can pantomine and play house?

C'est la another fellow I was involved with actually slept with his wife - as in, had sexual relations with her despite being actively gay (where the fellow above really slept with his in sleeping without the sex). I know both men were being truthful to me because they had no reason to do otherwise. I had become their sounding board, their confidant:

con fi dant

a close friend or associate to whom secrets are confided or with whom private matters and problems are discussed.

"What would happen if your wife found out about us?" I asked Person B

Person B: "She'd take my shotgun and shoot us both." Eeek.

Now Person A's wife would answer his phone and was rather awkward at first but she really didn't have a problem giving him the line - knowing he was probably "seeing" (he was) the person on the other end of the phone. That's the fellow who hadn't had sex with her in two decades or so, the "perfect couple" that no one suspected had a marriage of convenience.


These are the men that the "Christian Right" want totally locked in the closet. Gay Marriage is going to change that. Not that all these guys feigning heterosexuality are going to drop their wives for a dude, that ain't never gonna happen (double negative intentionally employed)...but as the new twenty-somethings take control those who like being with their own kind (as in their own sex) are going to be less likely to hide in the priesthood or in a bad marriage. Since the Catholic Church doesn't deserve new priests, and since women should love men who are going to WANT to have sex with them and not be miserable laying next to them in a hollow bed for a few decades, well, in an insane world it is the sanest solution - our need to be homosocial.

"IN an insane world it was the sanest choice"
Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991). ...

Imagine having a good looking Terminator to call your own like Robert Patrick. Could you imagine the potential in bed? The liquid terminator thing that can expand and change shape!
Like wow, Jim Morrison's "changeling" would be envious. The fact that Terminator II is playing on TV behind me as I prepare to run off and catch a midnight showing of Fantastic Four (Terminator2 is Silver Surfer without the board), well, these tv stations are rather clever.

But this essay is here to study chaos, of which the dictionary says:

cha·os /ˈkeɪɒs/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[key-os] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.
any confused, disorderly mass: a chaos of meaningless phrases.
the infinity of space or formless matter supposed to have preceded the existence of the ordered universe.

A friend/colleague says that there is a "cosmic two year old" playing with us. I tend to agree with his theory, much to my spiritual advisor's chagrin. Did you ever think the land of the free would be infected by the Bush/Libby/DeLay/Cheney/Rove/Powell/Rice/Rumsfeld crowd?
It is a horror show, a real dark comedy that:

a)fails to make any sense and

b)we never saw coming

Did you really believe we'd stumble upon someone worse than Nixon? Bush I was bad enough but Bush II is like Alfred E. Newman from Mad Magazine with an itchy trigger finger. Eeeeek...

The Matrix makes more sense than anyone wants to admit. Remember that Outer Limits episode where 5 billion people were all condensed onto a wire? That was in the 1960s before "nanotechnology" came into vogue.

nan·o·tech·nol·o·gy (nān'ə-těk-nŏl'ə-jē) n. The science and technology of building devices, such as electronic circuits, from single atoms and molecules.

The universe being eternal - no time, no space, to beginning, no end, means that I have probably written this essay a few billion times - or billions and billions of times - eternity being forever we have all been in this prism forever and ever and ever, not start to finish, but up and down, sideways, in a circular motion for all time. Does the universe pat itself on the back for creating something "new" when everything has been said and done always and always? Are we the cosmic two year old playing John Lennon's "Mind Games"? Is the absurd the only thing we have to make us human and not like Arnold Shwarzenegger's unfeeling machine? Is the true "future" that of machines like Data in Star Trek: Next Generation, a machine that searches for its own soul? Is the universe a machine in the study of spirit to water to flesh? Is that why all the chaos is before us? So that we appreciate order? Or that we comprehend happiness?

Joe Viglione
11:49 PM June 15, 2007 But is it really 11:48 or 11:49 or is it a clock that just measures things for us so that we think time exists?

"I know why you cry, and it is something I can never do" Terminator 1 in Terminator 2 as he is leaving John Connor

Joe Vig on Sutherland Brothers & Quiver

L.A. Guns

Original Soundtrack: Carnivore with LA Guns